Tuesday, August 25, 2009

34 Weeks!

I can't believe how fast August went! It's crazy to think that in just a matter of weeks (3 - 6) I'm going to be a mom. I still haven't gotten used to the idea. I think I'm just starting to get used to the idea of being pregnant!

Things are going ok. I'm starting to get really uncomfortable. I'm tired all the time. My hips feel like a Thanksgiving turkey wishbone. And my reflux has hit an all time level of nasty. My blood pressure is still high, so I'm on weekly doctors visits now (so sick of going to the doctor...). My allergies are also horrible at the moment, and I'm resisting taking anything for them.

There are also plenty of good things to go along with that long list of maladies. Our little one is stronger and more active than ever. The result being that I feel him constantly. My stomach moves with each kick, punch, and roll. Apoorva can feel him every night. It's amazing to think that there is a little baby in there doing all that. My nesting instincts have kicked in full force and the apartment is nice and clean :-) I'm lovin that.

And I think it's really starting to hit me that I have a long list of "to-do's" and not much time to them in. I still have to make a big order from diapers.com to some essential stuff like some cloth diapers, our stroller-car seat adapter, and a freaking diaper bag. We also still need to install the car seat and have it inspected. And those are just the essential things that need to get done. There's a huge long list of things that would be nice to get done before the baby is born. I better get moving!!!