We're Pregnant!!!!
What a unexpected yet happy surprise! At the end of the year we decided that I would stop taking "the pill". The plan was to start charting (monitoring my temp, etc. in order to figure out when I was ovulating, or if I was ovulating at all). After about 6 months we would start actively trying, Lo and behold I get knocked up the first month off the pill!!! We found out on the 29th, and the baby is due the first week of October. We've been laughing because the baby was conceived in India and will probably be born in Indiana. We're calling it Indy for the time being.
Not much has changed yet of course. I'm not feeling too many symptoms, just a bit of nausea and fatigue. We also have decided not to tell anyone yet. We're going to wait for a few weeks, just in case something happens. I've spend too much time on www.thenest.com boards so I know that there is a possibility that this pregnancy may end in a miscarriage. But we're hoping and praying for a healthy and happy 9 months and a healthy and happy baby. My first dr. appointment is in another 6 weeks. I going to try and keep my anxiety to minimum until then, but I'm sure that's a hopeless task.
In other news, we've safely and successfully moved to Indiana. Everything is going well so far. We've been here about two weeks and we've got most of our furniture delivered, have our cable and Internet hooked up, and our cats have made themselves at home. We've met some friends through Apoorva's work and joined the local YMCA. It's starting to feel like home. I'm still looking for a job and trying to figure out how to finish my Ph.D. But hopefully things will work out in that department soon.
Here's a shot of our living room, which is my favorite room in the apartment. I'm kinda bummed we can't paint. White walls just leave rooms looking unfinished and bare. But I love my new furniture and it's so comfy! I think it'll look better when I get curtains and some artwork up.
I don't know how I'm going to get my but to the gym tonight. I'm so exhausted! Maybe after I pick up Apoorva I'll take a quick nap before we head to the gym. At least I don't have to worry about making dinner tonight. I made it this morning in the slow cooker :-) I love just putting all the ingredients in there and just leaving it to cook all day! It also makes the house smell really good. Tonight it's chicken and dumplings :-)
Not much has changed yet of course. I'm not feeling too many symptoms, just a bit of nausea and fatigue. We also have decided not to tell anyone yet. We're going to wait for a few weeks, just in case something happens. I've spend too much time on www.thenest.com boards so I know that there is a possibility that this pregnancy may end in a miscarriage. But we're hoping and praying for a healthy and happy 9 months and a healthy and happy baby. My first dr. appointment is in another 6 weeks. I going to try and keep my anxiety to minimum until then, but I'm sure that's a hopeless task.
In other news, we've safely and successfully moved to Indiana. Everything is going well so far. We've been here about two weeks and we've got most of our furniture delivered, have our cable and Internet hooked up, and our cats have made themselves at home. We've met some friends through Apoorva's work and joined the local YMCA. It's starting to feel like home. I'm still looking for a job and trying to figure out how to finish my Ph.D. But hopefully things will work out in that department soon.
Here's a shot of our living room, which is my favorite room in the apartment. I'm kinda bummed we can't paint. White walls just leave rooms looking unfinished and bare. But I love my new furniture and it's so comfy! I think it'll look better when I get curtains and some artwork up.

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