Friday, February 6, 2009

Keeping Busy

So we've been here for a little over two weeks. Up until now I've been pretty satisfied with how things are going. We have everything we need to be comfortable here (furniture, internet, cable, etc). Apoorva has a routine down at his job. I've been exploring our town and the nearby Fort Wayne. We are meeting new people and have been going out once or twice each weekend so we haven't been holed up in our apartment all the time. My cats have made themselves at home along with us, as you can tell by this picture:

The only thing I'm not satisfied with is my job situation. I've decided it probably isn't a good idea to get a full time job with this pregnancy and the fact that I want to finish my Ph.D. So I've come up with two solutions to keeping myself busy, besides working towards finishing my dissertation. I think I should either (a) work towards getting my secondary teaching certifications or (b) start my own tutoring business.

There are pros and cons for both options:

(a) Getting my teaching certification would give me many options in the future. I've known I wanted to teach for awhile, I just thought it was at the college level. But the more I think about it the I think I really would enjoy teaching high school as well. This would also give me employment opportunities if I end up not finishing my Ph.D. The problem is that I have no idea how to go about getting my teaching licence or what I need to do or how much it's going to cost me. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money and I don't want to have to get a whole new degree.

(b) Starting my own tutoring business could be fun. I would get to teach on my own terms. It would get me out of the house and it would give me some spending money. The problem is that I don't know how much business I would get here, especially in this economic climate. It would require a lot of legwork in the begining, but I don't think I would mind.

Both of these options are good because they would give me a flexible schedule. And neither of these options should take up so much time that I wont have any time to work on my thesis. The problem is I don't know which one to choose! :-)